Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't Ever Give Up!

Don’t ever give up!
For you are born a winner.You can conquer the world, If you just only have self-discipline, faith and believe in yourself!

Don’t ever give up!
‘Coz from dark clouds, you get precious water. From dark mines, you get precious gems, And from darkest trials, come your greatest blessings.

Don’t ever give up!
Never tell yourself that you are tired, ‘Coz the more you accept that thought the more exhausted you’ll become. Life is a matter of perception, either you complain because roses have thorns or rejoice because thorns have roses.

Don’t ever give up!
Whatever mountain stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, And whatever difficulty immobilizes you, the prayer of faith can remove it!

Don’t ever give up!
For the loving God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost, If He ask you to put something down it’s because…
He wants you to pick-up something greater!

Don’t ever give up!
For life has no rewinds and forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss a chance to live today and make a beautiful story for tomorrow.

Don’t ever give up!
Keep on trusting God and keep on doing what you know is right. Never, never and never give up! Remember the only person who can stop you in what God intend you to become is you!

Finally, forget the things that made you sad. And remember those that made you glad.
Forget the troubles that passed away, And remember the blessings that come each day.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

By: Moises P. Reconalla


Honey said...

Don’t ever give up!
For the loving God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost, If He ask you to put something down it’s because…
He wants you to pick-up something greater!
Great words of motivation. Thanks for such a nice post.
I saw a versatile website that has a good prospect of motivation .

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